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Actualités & Perspectives

R&D success in Biopharma


🔬R&D success in Biopharma: Strategic assets, Digitized processes, External partnerships and Leveraging New technologies  📊

McKinsey & Company's latest report, "Making More Medicines That Matter," provides a deep dive into the current state of R&D productivity in the biopharmaceutical industry. This comprehensive study delves into the current state of R&D productivity in the biopharmaceutical industry, highlighting critical challenges and innovative strategies to overcome them.

Key Insights from the Report:

1. The Productivity Slump: Despite the advances in drug development, R&D productivity has been anemic over the past decade, with rising costs and decreasing probabilities of success in clinical trials. This trend is troubling, especially when compared to the industry's productivity during the late 1990s.

2. Blockbuster Dependence: The industry’s productivity has increasingly relied on blockbuster and mega-blockbuster drugs. These are defined as new molecular entities (NMEs) achieving peak sales of over $1 billion and $5 billion, respectively. However, such high reliance on a few successful drugs is not sustainable long-term.

3. The R&D Productivity Equation: McKinsey identifies five essential factors influencing R&D performance:

Volume: The number of NMEs and indication expansions.

Probability of Success: The likelihood of a drug progressing from Phase I to approval.

Value: Metrics such as peak sales per NME and the percentage of first-in-class assets.

Speed: The average time to launch new drugs.

Cost: R&D spend as a percentage of revenue and per asset.

However a comprehensive approach should boost R&D productivity, emphasizing several strategies for future success :

Effective Asset and Program Strategies: Charting the path to patients with robust program strategies.

Simplified, Automated, and Digitized Core Processes: Streamlining processes to accelerate timelines.

Strengthening the Backbone: Enhancing decision-making and organizational structures.

Innovating with the External Ecosystem: Leveraging external skills and assets.

Next-Generation Data, Analytics, and Technology: Utilizing advanced data and technology for better outcomes.

Streamlined Vendor Partnerships: Improving partnerships with vendors for joint success.

At Enosium, we are dedicated to drive innovation in the biopharma sector. Our expertise covers the entire spectrum from clinical trials to post-commercialization. We are here to help your organization navigate these challenges. More on Enosium Life Science capabilities here:

Let's work together to create more medicines that matter, ensuring a healthier future for all.